Useless Love By Samara Jones Release Update


Naturally, we hoped for a seamless launch of Useless Love on Amazon. Sadly, because of technical difficulties, the marketplace released an unfinished draft of “Useless Love”. The story is correct, however, they released an un-formatted draft that definitely hadn’t undergone proofreading. This wasn’t the first impression Samara Jones or us at Peppermint Darcy INC wished to make. However, we have learned a lesson about the importance of not putting all our eggs in one metaphorical basket. Once Amazon gets through the backlog of listings waiting to be reviewed, they will re-upload Useless Love. In the next few weeks, at various times, the Useless Love E-book will be available on various E-book retailers.

Barnes & Noble

Kobo & Kobo Plus




Google Play Books

Amazon and many more.

Signed paperbacks will be available for sale on this website soon.

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